Fair Share Amendment

The Fair Share Amendment was a change to the Massachusetts state constitution that would generate about $2 billion in yearly support for transportation and public education. The revenue comes from an additional tax on households with very high incomes—that’s why it’s also known as a “millionaire’s tax.”


Adopt an amendment (“Fair Share Amendment”) to the Massachusetts state’s constitution that would create a 4% tax on annual income over $1 million and dedicate that revenue to transportation and public education.

The campaign was developed and spearheaded by the Raise Up Massachusetts Coalition.


The coalition almost scored a victory in 2015, when the group collected 150,000 signatures and passed it at two state constitutional conventions.

However, corporate interests responded by mounting a lawsuit that successfully removed the amendment from the ballot based on a procedural technicality.

My Role

As a founding member of the Raise Up Massachusetts Steering Committee, I was part of the team that developed the amendment (with polling to back it up), and helped guide the campaign's strategy in winning two affirmative votes of the full legislature, a requirement to advance the ballot initiative.

My work also included organizing educational forums and signature collections in towns west of Boston.


The Raise Up Massachusetts Coalition came back bigger and stronger after the first defeat by the Supreme Judicial Court. With 52% of the vote on November 8th 2002, the Fair Share Amendment was passed!

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