Common Start Coalition

The Common Start Coalition is a statewide partnership of organizations, providers, and individuals working together to make high-quality early education and child care affordable and accessible to all Massachusetts families. Our goal is to ensure that all children in our Commonwealth have the same, strong start and enter school on a level playing field.


Provide all Massachusetts families the early education and care solutions they need, by passing the Common Start Bill that would provide a structure to deliver affordable care options for families; significantly better pay and benefits for early educators; a new, stable source of funding for providers.


Develop legislation that provides stable funding instead of piecemeal and get the support of the legislature and the governor. For decades early education researchers, providers and advocacy groups have had to make do with limited government support. The need for affordable, accessible solutions was highlighted by the pandemic when nearly 300,000 women dropped out of the workforce.

My Role

In 2020, I was tasked with growing the Common Start coalition from a group of 45 stakeholders to over 150 stakeholders, by creating partnerships among educators, community groups, advocates and unions. With their input around the table, we create strategies for advocacy and raising public awareness to convince both the legislature and the governor to provide stable funding same as K-12.


At the end of the 2022 Legislative session, the The Common Start Bill was not completely fulfilled, however, the House, Senate and Governor's proposals all include about $300 million in new resources for child care.

These proposals are significantly higher than traditional state funding increases, which barely kept pace with inflation. In January 2023, the Common Start bill was refiled with some modified changes that prioritize families earning at or below 85% of state median income and permanently establishing direct to provider funding.

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